It was just in September that disgraced former President Donald Trump declared that the country would never see him or hear from him again if he lost the 2020 election, yet another promise he broke by appearing at CPAC on Sunday.

“If I lose to him, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I will never speak to you again,” Trump told a crowd in North Carolina last year. “You’ll never see me again.”

As we know, Trump lost to President Joe Biden in a landslide victory, a legitimate election result that Trump and his supporters have rejected ever since.

But despite his declaration, Trump re-emerged from exile at Mar-a-Lago on Sunday during a cult-like CPAC event that includes the display of a gold Trump statue to once again push his election lies among other anti-democratic remarks.

Trump insisted that the election was rigged and that he’s the rightful winner, just hours after the CEO of Goya Foods claimed that Trump is still president, and went on to attack the Supreme Court for not overturning the election for him.

Trump then demanded voter suppression laws so that future contests will literally be rigged for the GOP.

Of course, there was the obligatory bragging about himself complete with lies about his record as president.

Hard to imagine anyone believing that “success” is 500,000 Americans dead due to a pandemic, an economy in shambles, our reputation in tatters abroad, and a national debt and deficit that skyrocketed to new heights never before seen. Trump also spent a year of his presidency on the golf course and spent a lot of time tweeting and watching television as he sought to gut the rule of law and overthrow democracy by inciting insurrection, for which he was impeached for a second time.

Trump also tried to take credit for the stock market performance again, even though it reached new heights when Biden took office and has continued to set records since.

Once again repeating his election lies, Trump kept the door open to a run in 2024, which he claimed would be a third victory for him.

Again, Trump LOST in 2020. Even he knows that because if he had truly won the election he would be disqualified from running again in 2024 since the Constitution limits presidents to two terms.

This was a despicable attack on voting and the truth, and the crowd gave Trump a standing ovation for it, proving once and for all that the GOP is nothing more than a dangerous cult that needs to be crushed out of existence before it destroys our Constitution and nation.

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