Disaster struck the Republican Party this week just days after the 1/6 Select Committee began its investigation of the Capitol insurrection when the House Oversight Committee released notes implicating congressional Republicans in the conspiracy to overturn the 2020 Election.

It turns out that disgraced Florida retiree Donald Trump begged the Justice Department to help him overturn his election loss to President Joe Biden. Luckily, Trump’s phone call with acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen was not a secret as Rosen’s deputy Richard Donoghue took notes. And the notes are particularly damning to Republicans in Congress.

Donoghue’s notes suggest Trump wanted the DOJ to declare the election results “corrupt” and then leave “the rest” to him and his Republican supporters in Congress.

That’s incredibly damning, as the Washington Post explained:

Everything until those last four words was pretty well established. It was clear from the first hours after polls closed on Nov. 3 that Trump was grasping at every conspiracy theory that popped up on websites or in conservative media, a habit that continues unabated… What Donoghue’s notes suggest is that Trump had fully bought into the effort that would eventually become his Alamo: having Republican legislators block the electoral-vote counting due to take place at the Capitol on Jan. 6.

There have been hints for some time that members of Congress were in contact with the organizers of a protest at the Capitol that day, with one leader of that effort identifying [Rep. Mo Brooks] and two others by name as having ‘schemed’ with him about how to put ‘maximum pressure on Congress while they were voting.’ But what about the days before? What, if anything, was the strategy for blocking the electoral votes beyond the objections that actually occurred? How closely was Trump involved in the effort?

As we all know, Brooks would help Trump incite the Capitol insurrection and other Republican lawmakers are suspected of aiding or planning the insurrection in some way.

Trump could not get what he wanted from the DOJ, so he attempted to overthrow democracy through violent means. The Select Committee now has more reason to target Republican lawmakers in their investigation.

But that’s not all of the DOJ-related bad news for Trump and Republicans. After years of seeking Trump’s tax returns, the Justice Department has ordered the Treasury to release the returns to the House Ways and Means Committee.

The returns could open Trump up to federal tax crime charges and shed further light on his connections to Russia.

Yeah, definitely not a good day for Trump and the GOP.

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