Once again, Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) has managed to spark a controversy with remarks he made in which he urged American mothers to raise their sons “to be a monster, according to Right Wing Watch.

In a video posted Monday, Cawthorn raged that society wants to “demasculate young men” because ““they don’t want people who are going to stand up.”

“All you moms here — the ones who I said are the most vicious in our movement — if you are raising a young man, please raise them to be a monster.”

Of course, this is the same Madison Cawthorn who was accused of sexual harassment by former classmates while attending a Christian college in Northern Virginia. Four women who were at the school with Cawthorn reported that he had acted in aggressive and predatory ways towards them on numerous occasions.

While those in attendance when Cawthorn spoke were delighted with his remarks, the congressman was excoriated on social media, with Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) commenting:

“America is an exceptional nation precisely because we don’t raise monsters. Radical Republicans are dangerous.”

Others suggested that Cawthorn should be expelled from Congress:

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