President Donald Trump visited the wrong neighborhood when he arrived in Latrobe, Pennsylvania on Thursday to spew more of his hate, lies, and propaganda. Because the widow of beloved children’s television host Mr. Rogers gave him a piece of her mind.

Fred Rogers was a Presbyterian minister who developed and starred in Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood, a show that Trump obviously never watched himself, or else he wouldn’t be a racist narcissistic liar.

He sadly passed away in 2003 but his legacy continues to live on, including through his widow Joanne Rogers.

During Trump’s visit to the Rogers’ hometown, he once again told his supporters to vote twice, which is illegal and a form of voter fraud. He also, as usual, aired a number of grievances and attacked his critics and political rivals.

But Joanne Rogers was not amused by Trump’s visit.

“I think he’s just a horrible person,” she said about Trump according to The Daily Beast. “I think maybe the fact that Mr. Trump seldom tells the truth. If he does, it’s just a fluke, I think. But the fact [is] that I can’t believe anything he says, not even the simplest thing … This man is pathologically ill. Mentally ill.”

And if Trump somehow wins re-election, she will be devastated.

“I will probably go into mourning,” she said. “I can’t even imagine. I would feel so badly.”

Indeed, most Americans would mourn the loss of our democracy and the rule of law if Trump wins. The country Mr. Rogers loved so much would be gone forever. That’s why Americans must vote so Trump will lose. Do it for Mr. Rogers so our country will have a leader with compassion instead of a hateful bully who only cares about himself. If we fail, his legacy will die with America.

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