In this age of hyper partisanship, third parties can certainly have their appeal. Rick Wilson gets that. But those same folks should be aware that wolves in sheep’s clothing happen too in politics.

“If you hear ‘No Labels, Problem Solvers,’ it sounds great, doesn’t it?” he said.

The former longtime Republican strategist co-founded the Lincoln Project in 2019 to fight the GOP’s growing autocratic impulses of the Donald Trump era. Today, he is issuing a dire warning about a group that’s promising to promote bipartisanship but really isn’t doing anything of the sort from where he sits.

Wilson delivered a fiery, expletive-laced video that the Lincoln Project tweeted Thursday, where he alleged that No Labels is funded by Republicans who support Donald Trump, and that the party founded in 2010 is looking to put Joe Manchin, the conservative Democratic senator from West Virginia, on the ballot in swing states to draw away votes from Joe Biden and return Trump to the presidency.

“They’re not trying to accomplish centrism or independent voters or everybody singing (expletive) Kumbaya,” Wilson said.

“They’re a pro-Trump super PAC. They’re raising $70-plus million from billionaire Republican hedge fund guys and billionaire Republican developers and billionaire Republicans Silicon Valley types so they can elect Donald Trump.”

Wilson pointed to a signature No Labels talking point that “we’re only doing this as a contingency plan of fire. ‘A break glass in case of fire’ plan, if both candidates are morally unacceptable.”

That statement is nonsense and deliberately deceptive, according to Wilson.

“What is that they’re saying, you guys? Because they know Joe Biden is going to be the Democratic candidate. They’re saying that Joe Biden is morally equivalent to a guy today who sat in a courtroom being indicted for 34 (expletive) felonies,” Wilson said.

“They’re saying that Joe Biden is equivalent to a guy who ordered his neo-Nazis and his stormtroopers and his terrorists and his fanatics, to storm the U.S. Capitol to overturn a free and fair democratic election.”

“That’s what they’re saying. Don’t buy their (expletive). They need to be burned to the (expletive) ground politically. They are a threat to this republic. They are a pro-Trump super PAC.”

Wilson also pointed to the fact that No Labels is only registering to be on the ballot in States where Joe Biden either barely won or lost in 2020.

Lancaster Courier also reported on a possible Manchin spoiler candidacy and his refusal to rule out a 2024 run earlier this week. 

Check out Rick Wilson in full rant mode against No Labels below (warning, strong language)…