Americans are demanding the arrest of freshman Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Co.) for live-tweeting the location of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) during the insurrection at the Capitol as rioters were looking for lawmakers to murder.

The horrifying coup attempt took place as Congress began the task of counting the electoral votes to certify President-Elect Joe Biden’s victory. As Boebert and over 100 of her Republican colleagues objected to the results, Trump supporters stormed the building to overturn the election by force. Had they located Pelosi, they likely would have assassinated her in cold blood, which appears to be what Boebert wanted since she seemed very interested in tweeting out Pelosi’s status for all her extremist followers to see.

Earlier in the day, Boebert compared the scheme to overturn the election to America’s declaration of independence, which was followed by a bloody revolution.

Boebert’s tweets could have helped the insurrectionists locate Pelosi, who is third in line to the presidency. If outgoing Vice President Mike Pence had been hanged as Trump supporters planned, they would have had to eliminate Pelosi as well to prevent her from taking office if the election were somehow overturned, thus paving the way for Trump to become the dictator he and his followers want so desperately.

And that’s why many Americans want Boebert removed from office and arrested by law enforcement.

Because Boebert wants to carry a gun on the House floor, she is a threat to Pelosi and any other Democrat inside the chamber, including the President-Elect and Vice President-Elect when they take office on January 20th. She is exactly the kind of threat national security expert Malcolm Nance warned America about over the weekend, a Trump supporter on the inside who can get close enough to assassinate top Democrats. She absolutely cannot be allowed to carry a firearm in the Capitol and she should be removed from office and arrested for providing updates on Pelosi’s location to the insurrectionists.

She’s not a patriot, she’s a terrorist.

Featured Image: Wikimedia